Monday, June 23, 2008

Amazing Weekend...

So, even though my relationship with hubby is going well right now, awhile back it wasn't so great, so we signed up for a Couple's Workshop weekend with John and Julie Gottman, PhD's. They founded the Gottman Institute out of Seattle, WA, and they specialize in couples therapy and research. John Gottman created a "love lab" in Seattle where he would have normal couples come and spend weekends, then monitor their emotional and physiological behavior during the weekend. He did things like this for over 30 years, and has been able to pinpoint with 94% accuracty which couples will stay together and which will divorce. Pretty amazing stuff.

So, based on his research, he and his lovely wife and developed several theories and techniques to help couples become better friends and navigate the rough waters of conflict a bit better. They hold Couple's Workshops 5 weekend out of the year in Seattle, and then a few elsewhere. They also have a ton of books, CD's and DVD's, not only about relationships, but parenting also.

I found out about this guy through the counselor I see for my anxiety issues. He came highly recommended, and because he took such a scientific approach to it, he had the highest success rate around, especially with men (who, if you haven't noticed, aren't usually the ones to say, "hey honey, I think we're having issues, I think we should see a counselor.")

So, anyway, our workshop was this past weekend. It was a 2 day marathon session of a bit of lecture, and then putting the principles to practice with real issues we were having. It was always just the two of us, so it wasn't like we sat around in a circle, airing our dirty laundry in front of strangers. We did have the option of getting help from other therapists who were there who were Gottman Certified, but only if we asked for it....they didn't nose in, or pry.

I learned this weekend that the baby issue wasn't as solved and decided as I thought it was. Turns out, Brett is extremely anxious about the whole thing. He wants to have another baby for all the same reasons I do, but he's just very VERY worried about at what cost. For whatever reason, approaching it from that angle really helped me to understand his position and the reason he's been so back and forth for 2 years. Considering my own history with anxiety, I can relate to the feeling in the pit of my stomach when I think about something that I'm really worried or scared about. I don't blame him. However, though we didn't come to an ultimate resolution, we did come to a temporary compromise about how we were going to come to a decision from now until the decision is made. It was so nice to make some real headway, and not feel disappointed, or feel like we had just backslid back into "I dunno" territory.

So, anyway, whether your relationship is in trouble or not, ANYONE could benefit from this workshop. I highly recommend checking it out!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Oh Happy Day!!!

Hello Fellow Grinders! Sorry it's been so long since I've been on has a way of getting too busy to blog! :)

So, the big news is that if I'm not pregnant right now (which, this time, is a HUGE possibility), I will be soon. My darling hubby FINALLY, after 2 1/2 years of arguing, convincing, scheming, and worrying, said we could have another baby. And it wasn't like a "okay, SHUT UP! WE CAN HAVE ANOTHER BABY!!!" It was more of a "I've given it a lot of thought, and I suppose it would be okay if we have another one." YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!

So, if'n I'm not pregnant right now, rest assured, I will be within a few months!!!!