Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I Can Share Now

So, the big news I alluded to a couple of posts ago has been firmed up and I am allowed to speak of it in public.

My beautiful bonus daughter will become a mommy at the end of November 2010. This means that, at the tender age of 30, I will be a (step) grandmother. Though, I hate the word "step" because of the negative connotations (thank you Walt Disney), so I will be a gramma. Gramma Kristy. Uncle Bryce and Aunt Abbie. Abbie will be 15 months old when her niece or nephew joins our family.

We've moved well past the shock, disappointment, and persuasion that parents of future teen moms certainly must all feel. Our very strong and stubborn girl has decided to raise her child, and we support her 100%. The road ahead for her will be tough, she will have her eyes opened WIDE in the next 12 months, and things will be nothing that she expects. But, I know she can do it, and she has a ton of family who support her, so I know she will be just fine. Not only that, but she carries with her a certain sixth sense when it comes to babies and children. I know she's always wanted to be a mommy. She also realizes that she's put herself in a position to become a mother in less-than-ideal circumstances, yet is determined to do what she feels is right for herself and her child.

I firmly believe that this must have been God's plan for Shayann's life all along, and this new little life is a blessed gift from Him. We are all getting very excited to meet this new little person. She is 13 weeks at this juncture, feeling better, but not quite showing yet. She does have a tiny baby bump, but unless you're really looking, you'd never notice it.

I'm very proud that Shayann is continuing to pursue her education, finish up her high school experience, and is actively looking for work in order to support her baby. The baby's father seems to want to be involved, though I honestly do not know much about him. Hopefully between its parents and the families, this baby will have everything it needs to be well-loved and cared for.

A new chapter begins!

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