Thursday, August 13, 2009

1 week to go...

I am officially 39 weeks week away from my due date. Did you know that only about 5% of births actually occur on the due date? That's why they give you a 2 week window around your due date and call that "full term." For first time moms, they say about 40% of births happen after the due date. I can't seen to find statistics for second-time moms...

My body is making some progress toward going into's comforting to know this process already so that each symptom isn't freaking me out, however that's a double-sided coin. I also get very frustrated that the contractions I feel aren't leading anywhere. I also don't have an "end point." (beyond the fact that I won't be pregnant forever and she is likely to come within the next two week). You see, with Bryce, I was induced, so once it was decided that I need to be induced, there was an immediate light at the end of the tunnel...within 24 hours, I was holding him in my arms. Not so this time around. I over analyze EVERYTHING, so it probably has to come as no shock to any of you who know me that every agonizing day I'm pretty much hyper focused on the goings-on within my body.

Abbie is still quite the mover, even though she's officially run out of room. She has dropped, her head is engaged, and my pre-labor (false labor, I was told) has progressed me enough that, it LITERALLY could happen at anytime. I'm 1 cm away from being in "active" labor.

And even though I thought I was against it, all of these "natural" inducers are starting to look VERY appealing. :)

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