Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Insanity Must Stop!

So, for fun this time around, I joined up with the August 2009 Birth Club chat boards through It was a great way to meet up with other moms who were due around my due date, trade stories, share concerns and help each other through these 9, arduous, long months.

However, as we all creep toward our due dates, the postings have gotten OUT.OF.CONTROL. I've noticed 2 distinct types of posts lately:

1) My baby is here! Here is the story!
- for the record, I have yet to read one story to date where a c section or induction was not involved. I was induced the first time around with Bryce. I'm starting to wonder if our bodies have forgotten how to birth babies and we now need medical interventions to get these children out of us!

2) I'm DONE being pregnant, please tell me every symptom I have means I'm in labor, or what old wives tale/witch doctor potion will induce labor on its own.
- though I've tried my best, I became victim to the "it's a full moon tonight and the gravitational pull will make your water break" post. I was so hoping. Alas, here I am still pregnant. If I see one more post about someone taking castor oil 3 WEEKS before they're due and then wondering why all they did was sit on and/or hug the toilet all night long, I might just throw up myself.

Do not get me wrong, I have seriously pondered trying some of these "natural" induction methods, and did go for a walk with my mom around the store yesterday, hoping gravity would just help me out a bit. It's very tempting to help move things along if you can, especially when you're this uncomfortable and the weather has been crazy hot. HOWEVER, there's something magical, dare I say romantic, about letting nature take its course. Waking up in the middle of the night to twinges of pain, waking up your husband and making him time them...heading to the hospital to waddle around the halls in an oh-so-flattering gown (that doesn't close all the way in the back)....ripping his fingernails out one by one once the pain gets so intense that you want to marry the anesthesiologist...and then the grande finale...enter stage left, baby Abbie.

So, as much as I'd like to walk 10 miles, have uber-alone time with my hubby, eat spicy food with fresh pineapple on the side, bounce on a trampoline, etc, I know she will come when she is ready.

And if she's late, I can always ask the OB for an induction. :) Here's hoping my body remembers how to push a baby out of it!

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