Friday, January 29, 2010

Happy-Sad Day

New chapter, new blog template: What do you think?

This is my last day of work. Although, other than turn in all of my equipment, I did no work today. I've talked for months, and YEARS frankly, about how excited I am to be home with my babies. And that hasn't changed. However, it was so hard to say goodbye to my co-workers and friends. Some of them are coming to a little gathering at my house tomorrow...but others I may not see for a long time, if ever. I was truly blessed to work with the folks I worked with. There are some I will miss more than others. That's probably normal. But, it took everything I had to not cry as I left the claims office for the last time.

Though my former boss has said he is starting a pool to see how long it takes for me to bring the kids and come in to visit. He knows me so well. :)

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