Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Those of you who have ever been a senior in or at something (high school, college, girl scouts, etc) most likely know about a certain mindset coined "senioritis." It's that mindset that says, "I'm outta here in xx days, so I'm not going to do x-y-z." or, "So and so is taking this project over once I'm gone, so I'm not going to spend as much time on it."

I have senioritis.

In 2 days, I will be unemployed. By choice. Strange to WANT to be unemployed in this economy. BUT, I will be taking on the most rewarding and challenging job of my life, not receiving a dime to do it, and couldn't be more thrilled. Being a stay at home mommy (or SAHM as you will see me abbreviate it from here on out) will definitely NOT be easy. As my auntie has instructed me, I must have my home clean and a hot meal on the table for my fabulous (though lovably frustrating) husband every night. I must learn how to create and realistic budget and then STICK to it. I must create routine for my kiddos, a preschool curriculum for my 4 year old (Kindergarten next year!!!), and find a perfect balance between baby time and big kid time.

I'm very excited but I'm also nervous to say the least. What happens if someone gets sick and we need medicine we can't afford? These are things I haven't had to worry about since I was broke college student, and even then it was only ME I had to worry about. What if the washer breaks and we need to buy a new one?

See, we've sat down with the budget and things for us will be super tight until June or so, when some things begin to get paid off. So, if anything disastrous happens between now and then, we could be screwed.

Even though these things float through my mind more often than I care to admit, I still couldn't be more ecstatic about being able to stay home and see all of Abbie's firsts, take Bryce to Kindergarten on his first day of school, and be home when he gets here so he can tell me ALL about it.

I would live in a cardboard box and eat top ramen daily in order to witness these moments first hand.

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