Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Silence is golden

I am sitting on my napping, preschooler in "Quiet Time" (mommy's new phrase for naptime). It has been quite some time since I've been able to just sit and enjoy the quiet. God knows I've needed it!

Hmm. I think I may take a nap. :)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The downpour is far from over

I wish I could elaborate more without letting the cat out of the bag.

Baby Hayden has been placed with my other brother and sister-in-law, the same couple who have Shaun's first biological (and born drug-affected) child. This is wonderful on so many levels. First, they have experience raising a drug-affected child and know first hand the trials and tribulations ahead for little Hayden. Their youngest is 10 and IN LOVE with babies, so they have more time, energy, and resources to give Hayden EXACTLY what he needs. Hayden is not a bad baby; I just did not have enough arms and Bryce was starting to act out because when you juggle two babies, there's very little time left for the lonely preschooler. I have a lot of respect for those of you with twins. I have no idea how you do it. :)

With one big life hurdle down in Casa Monahan, you'd think we'd be able to breathe a sigh of relief. Unfortunately, we just got some news that we are less than thrilled about. Once firmer decisions are made on the part of the ones involved, I will elaborate more.

Until then, stay tuned. :)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Thoughts on Lent 2010

This Lenten season has been quite interesting here at Casa Monahan. My primary goal was for myself and the kids to make each and every midweek service, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and of course Easter service. We made two midweek services before adding Mr. Hayden to our fold (at which point it became impossible to continue on). And though I went to Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services, the rest of the family stayed home. We all have terrible colds and I want to make sure the kids are as rested as possible for Sunday, because WE ARE GOING TO CHURCH!!!
Abbie will be wearing an adorable green calico print dress. Bryce will be wearing his first dress shirt and (clip on) tie. He is very excited to dress like his daddy. I will attempt to remember to post pics on here for all to see.

Our church, Family of Grace Lutheran Church in Auburn, WA hosted a 24 hour prayer vigil yesterday. I signed in to come in from 11PM to midnight for quiet reflection and prayer. Boy, have I needed it lately. And though I was (and still am) battling this cold and have lost my voice, I still felt renewed as I left FOG. Between the hour of prayer and the Good Friday service itself, I was definitely emotionally drained. Our church has a life-sized cross that comes out only on Good Friday and Easter. It was propped up on the altar, and it was so easy to picture Jesus laying there, crown of thorns, nails, pierced in his side, bleeding and dying for my sins. For me! It is such a huge idea that I have a very hard time wrapping my head around it. Who would I be willing to do that for? Sacrifice myself for the sake of my kids or Brett? No question. For my brothers, sister, moms? More than likely. Friends? Probably, though there would be lots of thought involved. A stranger I've never met? No.

So, then I thought, "well, Jesus did this for me, and did it thousands of years ago, WELL before I or my ancestors were even twinkles in our parents' eyes...he didn't know me..." and then it hit me: But he DID know me. He was part man, but He was also part GOD. And God is my Father. And my Father knows me! And my Father created me and wanted me to have a way back to Him someday. Jesus is that way for me.

He is risen. He is risen indeed! Hallelujah!!!