Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Dizzy: Day Two

I was sort of dizzy yesterday, which is totally normal when you're pregnant. However, my dizziness didn't go away with food, rest, my head between my knees, etc. This morning, it was even worse, to the point that if I just moved my head too quickly, I felt like I was going to puke. So, I called my OB and she asked me to go into the Urgent Care to get checked out.

They run a gamut of tests and determine that I have a piece of crystallized matter trapped in my inner ear which is affecting my equilibrium. They can't see into my inner ear, and they don't even know for sure if it's crystal (My head is quite the gold mine, I've learned over the could be iron, or ore, or maybe even a diamond!), but nonetheless, they give me pills for nausea (BABY SAFE!) and teach me a couple of "exercises" I can do with my head to try and help this little nugget of wonder dislodge itself and work its way out. This process could take 2 days to 2 weeks, depending on how stubborn my newfound mineral wants to be. If in 2 days it STILL hasn't dislodged (ie: I'm still super dizzy), then I have to see an ENT and it could require surgery to remove. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?

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