Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

New Year's Eve for us this year was DEFINITELY a transitional point in our marriage, life and family. Normally (when I'm not pregnant), Bryce goes as stays with his Aunt and Uncle and Brett and I go and party it UP all night long with friends at Brandon's house. Usually around 1 or 2 AM on New Years, we head home, sleep in, and then get a nice, greasy hangover breakfast at McDonald's and pick up our kiddo.

This year, Brandon decided to do something different, so there was no party at his house. Brett attempted to host the party here, but about half of people who said they were coming didn't come. One of our friends got tired around 8:30 and went home. So, it was us (including Bryce), our friends Dan & Nichole, and Tamur. Brett bought Guitar Hero for the Xbox, so we all took turns playing (MY NEW FAVORITE GAME EVER!), and eventually around 10:30, we put Bryce down to bed. At about 11:30, we could still hear him talking and playing upstairs, so we brought him back down, poured him a glass of sparkling cider (in a real glass, not a plastic one!), and we all rang in the new year together. We watched the Space Needle broadcast, counted down from 10, screamed Happy New Year and clinked glasses with our friends. Bryce was so mesmerized by the whole event, he just stared at everyone clinking his glass. He gave his daddy and me smooches, polished off his cider, and then back to bed he went. Our friends stayed another 45 minutes or so, and then headed home also.

What a difference a year and a pregnancy can make. I honestly think (for the time being) we may be done with the partying it up on New Year's and may actually be able to handle a quiet evening at home!

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