Friday, January 16, 2009

Dizzy, Day 17:

The ENT found NOTHING wrong with my inner ear. He said it could be hormonal (pregnancy), my thyroid (which I've had trouble with since Bryce was born), or neurological.

I called my OB's office today, who told me to come in for another slew of blood tests. And then she told me if it got worse over the weekend, to head to the ER and let them run neurological tests (like MRI's and stuff) to rule out the "really bad stuff" cancer, or tumors, or whatever else could be bad inside my head.

This is getting to the point of unbearable. I've developed double vision, guarding of my head (which makes for a sore neck, let me tell ya), and some occasional spots in my vision (think a camera flash, but without the flash).

Either I'm a major hypocondriac, or there's something seriously wrong. Let's hope I'm just the raging lunatic.

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