Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I hate to complain...BUT...

I am lucky. I have a job. Nothing these days is secure, but mine seems secure at the moment. I work very hard at making myself an indispensable member of the office, and I think I'm successful at it.

I got a call from the big boss this morning, letting me know that I had an opportunity to help the office. Immediately my thought was, "fantastic, yet another way I can set myself apart from the pack!" and I was ready to jump on it.

Until she told me that basically, how I could help was by taking a demotion. It's not a real demotion, per se, but it a step back in my career path. It's taking my old job back. The job I HATED, that I was biding my time in until I could move up.

C: "But, you'll get your company car back, and when time comes for behavior rankings, it will look really good that you volunteered."
Kristy's mind: "F this! I already have a car payment, I can't take the car back now! I hated that job, and did worse in it than I do now, why would you let me sink back into mediocrity???"
Kristy's mouth: "I'll think about it."

So, now me and 4 others and just waiting to hear our fate. I've heard one person who wasn't on the original list did volunteer, so that means one of us five will get chosen. I have this feeling that it will be me. And if it is, prepare for the rant of your life.

But, alas, at least I'll have a job still.

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