Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My First All-Nighter

Before becoming pregnant with our new little Baby James Princess (still not sure if it's a girl or a boy yet, still have another 9 weeks to go!), I would mysteriously wake up in the middle of the night and not feel well. This usually happened once or twice a month. I'd be up all night watching TV or on the internet, trying NOT to throw up, because I HATE throwing up. Therefore, I would be exhausted and ready for bed around 5 or 6, when my stomach settled down and just in enough time to catch an hour or two of shut-eye before I had to work. Most of the time, I used a sick day, so I could sleep in and feel better.

Since becoming pregnant, this all-nighters had become a thing of the past....until tonight.

Yes, my friends, it's 3AM and I must be lonely (Matchbox 20 reference). I've been up for a good hour now, and my tummy feels like it wants to burst at the seams. I know that most of it is baby and his or her or THEIR (I've had 4 dreams now that I'm having twins....somebody tell me that it means nothing....PLEASE!) moving my organs around, just by the mere fact that Baby is growing. It could also be the very strange diet I'm relegated to, due to my disinterest in food and having to force myself to eat SOMETHING. It could also be the combination of odd foods I ate today, that, sounded good at the time, but are now sounding absolutely disgusting. I don't know, just wish it would go away. I cant take a sick day tomorrow, I'm the parent-helper in Bryce's classroom!

In other news...

Earl died. Who the hell is Earl? you may be wondering....Earl was my 5 year old iBook, my favorite little Apple Laptop that I bought right after I met Brett. Earl was preceded in death by his brother, Milton, who was also an iBook, but only made it 2 years. Milton was able to be salvaged for parts; Earl was not quite so lucky.

About 2 weeks ago, Brett came up to the bedroom when I was laying down, almost asleep.
Him: "Honey, I think you need to come look at your computer."
Me: "Why?" (half-asleep)
Him: "Um...well, it's smoking."
Me: "Like, having a cigarette?"
Him: "Well no...like smoke is coming out from inside of it."
Me: "Well, then there's no need to look at it. It's fried."
Him: "You can't do anything?"
Me: "Well, I suppose I could take a hose to it, but that would make things worse. Just throw him in the garbage."

And there, he was laid to rest. Thank God I'd done a back up on him merely a few weeks beforehand.

So, of course, the grieving process must occur. I reached several times over the past couple of weeks for a laptop that wasn't there. I tried in vain to use my work laptop, but alas, the anxiety of getting caught blogging or on Facebook was enough to send me back to therapy. So, today I made the trek to the Apple store, and after diligent question-asking, negotiating, and explaining why I name my iBooks (it's because my uncle, who is also a Mac addict, named his, but his were older female names, so I decided to go with the older male names), I came home with Bernie.

Bernie's name came about after a bit of providence. You see, the nice gentleman who worked with me at the Mac store was named Bennie (he was older, but not my grandpa's age). Bennie and his counterpart convinced me to go for the best deal and didn't try to upsell me (though I upsold myself into some more memory). So, while I was waiting for obligatory Mac techie to install my new memory chips, Counterpart mentioned I should name the new lappy "Bennie." To which Bennie and I replied almost simultaneously, " I think I will (you should) name it Bernie." FREAKY! So there you have it. The family has met and played with Bernie, and I am blogging for the first time on my new laptop. And no, the name Bernie has nothing to do with the fact that Earl was smoking (or his parts were burning), or anything like that. :)

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