Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Dizzy, Day 15

So, it's official. There's something wrong in my head. Besides the obvious. :)

I'm going to an ENT tomorrow to find out why exactly I'm so darned dizzy, even when I only move my eyeballs. This is crazy, and is REALLY not helping the daily baby nausea.

I yelled at Bryce today. You see, Wednesdays, I work from home and Bryce stays here too. It's an interesting balancing act, and I'm glad that I don't have to do it all week (yet, anyway), because I end up sticking him in front of movies until lunchtime, and then it's immediately naptime. At this juncture, I work on anything that may require a lengthy phone conversation of uninterrupted analysis.

Anyway, I got a really weird assignment today, and while I was trying to figure it out, I had to make some calls. And Bryce decided that was the exact moment to scream that he wanted cheese. So, I got him cheese out of the fridge. But, it was just half a slice, not the whole thing, which led to a mini-melt down. And after mommy got off the phone (trying to laugh off my screaming child in the background), I literally YELLED at my son, told him to shut up and watch his damned movie and eat the cheese I gave him. He looked stunned. And he answered, "okay mommy, I'll eat my cheese." He then sat silently and didn't even make a move.

I did apologize to him. I was downright mean. I shouldn't have yelled like that. I guess that's what happens when the phone calls can't always be made during naptime and you have a 3 year old who doesn't understand. Oh yeah, and you're also very ill all day long everyday and at your wit's end. Again, not his fault.

Just life.

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