Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Time to Shave the Nether Regions Folks...

...because there's no more Bush! Ha!

(Jumping for joy).

Actually, after seeing the movie W, I actually feel kind of bad for that sweet little puppet on a string. Farewell Bush's cronies, yes-men, and CHENEY!

And, as most of the country, I spent a lot of my day glued to CNN, bawling sporadically, and really just trying to understand the gravity of what has just happened in our country. Oh yeah, and screaming at the TV, "Get back in the CAR, Barack, get back in the CAR!" during the parade. I'm sure the Secret Service could relate. :)

Still dizzy, you may be wondering? Yes, but not as often. I did go to the ER on Friday night and they ruled out the serious stuff. So, I have perfect hearing, no tumors, no strokes, hemorrhages, and my brain looks as it should. So, I'm dizzy because I'm pregnant. It's the only other explanation. Damn. I have been feeling better in general the last few days, so I'm beginning to wonder if I may have escaped the duration of nausea that I felt with Bryce. Oh yeah, but there was Saturday.

Since during the week I pretty much park Bryce in front of the TV in the evening, I figured Saturday we should actually go do something fun as a family. SO, I decided swimming was something I could do. Bryce, Brett and I packed up and headed to the local pool for Family Swim time. From noon to 1. Normally, that's lunch time, but I owed it to the fam, so I sucked it up. We had a great time, and then afterward I took Bryce into the women's locker room (where he proceeded to tell a naked woman that her pee-pee looked like mommy's...fan-TAS-tic) to dry off. Within 5 minutes, I knew that if I didn't get food soon, it was going to get ugly.

So, off we went into town, with a sense of urgency to get mommy some fries with ranch (which was the ONLY thing that sounded good to me at the time). Within 10 minutes I had fries sitting in my lap. Brett decided he didn't want fries and that he was going to take Bryce to a sub shop to get sandwiches. While waiting at a light to make a left into the restaurant, I took a bite of a fry and IMMEDIATELY gagged. Oh.dear.God. I looked at Brett, who was looking a t me as if to say, "if you throw up in my new Tahoe, I may have to hurt you a little bit..."

Me: Brett, we need to get somewhere with a bathroom RIGHT NOW.
Brett: But I'm stuck, there's traffic every where! What do you want me to do!?

Brett jumped out of line and cut across two lanes of traffic to get me into the Taco Time driveway, where I proceeded to jump from the moving vehicle and run to the door. Now mind you, the place was packed with families eating lunch, so the thought of losing my stomach in the trashcan right by the front door just wasn't feasible. I ran into the restaurant where the smell hit me like a brick wall. I made it to the bathroom, where I found the stalls occupied and woman waiting. Boy, she was not lucky that day.

I threw up first into my hand and down my sweatshirt, then onto the floor, and finally into the sink. If the waiting woman could have climbed the wall and clung to the ceiling, I'm certain she would have. In between wretches I remember saying, "I'm so sorry," and "I'm so embarrased." A woman came out of the stall after I had finished emptying my stomach and I managed to squeak out the words, "I'm pregnant." Well, all of a sudden that was a different story! The woman climbed off the wall and got me paper towels, the woman from the stall wanted to know details of my pregnancy and reassured me it would get better while patting my back. I felt 110% better and began cleaning up my own embarrassing mess. I refused to let them help me clean it, if it were me, I know I wouldn't want to be near it. I managed to get most of it with paper towels.

Now, imagine you work at Taco Time, and you're hating life, and it's packed and busy and noisy, and you just want to go sleep off your hangover, and then this woman...this woman with puke on her shirt comes up to you and says, "hi, I just puked on your floor and in your sink...do you have a mop?" WHAT? And that's exactly the look I got from the cashier. I was pretty sure I was going to have to announce to the entire restaurant what I did in the bathroom to help make a clear picture for this woman. Finally, I was handed a mop, and told to leave the mop in there and once things settled down, they would do a deeper clean. So, there I was, mopping the floor of the Taco Time bathroom...something in a million years, I never thought I'd do.

I finished the clean-up, and went out to the Tahoe, where poor Brett and Bryce were waiting to find out what the hell happened, and if they could still go get their lunches. When Brett saw me (and my sweatshirt), he knew I didn't make it and was extremely kind and sympathetic the rest of the day. This was officially THE FIRST TIME I've ever thrown up due to a pregnancy. I'm now part of the club! :)

Hope I didn't make you too sick! Happy Inauguration Day everyone!

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