Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Bleckh... how I am feeling right now, and have felt day and night for a good week now. I forgot how utterly miserable this part is. Some days are a bit better than others, and I now have some anti-nausea medication to try (which I've tried, and does help some, but make me tired, so can't really take it during the day while I'm working!), but the feeling of being on the verge of puking is ALWAYS present.

I gagged 3 times just trying to leave the house this morning. Went through the mud room to the garage, which is where we keep the cat box. HOLY HELL! I'm pretty sure Moe saves it all up for 15 minutes before I have to walk into that room. That set up the rest of the day. Any little "off" smell is making me gag today, which is abnormal for me.

On the bright side, I've found that if I suck on Jolly Rancher candy constantly, I don't feel as bad.
My favorite right now is Blue Raspberry and Green Apple. Just enough of a tart to keep me out of the bathroom.

And THANK GOD you can do your grocery shopping online now. There's no way I would have made it through the store, and even just looking at the pictures of food online made me want to yak. Just gotta wait out those free delivery cards you get in the mail!

I am very sleepy. It's only 1:27PM. I'm still on the clock. Can't sleep, must work. Well maybe a 20 minute cat nap while Bryce is napping...

1 comment:

In the Boonies Mama said...

Enjoy every minute of it! Everytime you feel sick, thank God for a healthy pregnancy. Not to upset you, but you could be not pregnant right now, you never know how long it will last! I know it is tough, but I would give anything to be feeling like you right now, sickness and all.