Saturday, February 21, 2009

Bryce Update

Well, daddy took Bryce to the specialist on Wednesday. After a review of the x-rays, the verdict was a buckle fracture to the top of his right tibia (right under the knee). For the record, the specialist couldn't SEE the break on the x-rays, but based on the appearance of the bone, he made the call. My little man is casted from toes to thigh in a bright red fiberglass cast. :(

The good news is, on March 4th, I get to take him back in for follow up xrays, at which point they will saw the cast off. If they still can't see anything, they likely won't put the cast back on. This promises to be a quick healing injury if this is the case. If they can, well, he'll get to pick out a different color, I suppose. This promises to be a traumatic dr. visit with the saw, xrays, and possible re-casting process. Fan-TAS-tic.

Bryce is already ahead of the game this time than the last time he broke the other leg. He's putting weight on his leg/foot with no pain, is walking with minimal help for balance, and is in great spirits. He no longer needs the tylenol with codeine.

Pray that we get a good result!!!

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