Sunday, February 8, 2009

Update: Baby James Princess

Here are the most recent photos of Mr. or Miss Baby James Princess. Taken at my 12 week appointment (which was really 11 weeks, 5 days), it actually looks like a baby now, and not like a blob of goo inside my tummy. :)

<---- You can make out his/her head and body here. And if you look close, it's almost as if it's smiling!

A smaller, but just as clear picture as up above. This time you can sort of make out it's hand, as if it's waving.

I also go to hear BJP's solid, quick heart beat again, which is always a joy and a relief!

So, I'm now 12 weeks 5 days. The nausea has yet to even BEGIN to subside, which makes me nervous, because when I went through this with Bryce, my mornings were starting to go better by this point. But, alas, I knew this would happen, even before I made the decision to have another child. I just forgot how stinkin' bad this part sucks. I just keep telling myself...just a couple more weeks...there's a light at the end of the tunnel...

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