Wednesday, February 4, 2009


We are home again. We've been home since last Thursday night. We still had fans in the house, but we didn't care anymore, we missed our bed. The fans came out on Monday, so I'm now on day 3 with peace and quiet. It's lovely.

For those of you playing along, I'm now 12 weeks pregnant. Had my second OB appointment on Monday, and rather than using the fun little doppler to find baby's heartbeat, she did another ultrasound. I'm not certain whether or not there was an ulterior motive for doing that; doesn't seem prudent to use an ultrasound every month just to find/hear a heartbeat, but I was thankful, because I got to see baby James Princess again. He/she actually looks like a baby now, and not just a blob of stuff with a visually-pulsing heartbeat. It was neat. We got pictures, too (I will post them at a later time...)

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