Monday, June 29, 2009

Learning to say No

How does one do this? How do you, say, look someone in the eye, who has asked for your help, and say "no, I can't right now."? PLEASE TEACH ME HOW!!!

With the impending birth of Miss Abbie, I am slowly but surely mentally checking out at work. My mind drifts, daydreams loom, and it has become very hard to focus. I'm normally a very hard worker, very diligent and always get everything done...but lately, man it's been a struggle to say the least. So, you'd think I'd be mindful of this, and maybe turn a few projects or favors down in order to stay afloat with the mountain of work I already have on my plate. Yeah, you'd think that, and you'd be wrong.

I've spent the last two evenings working after Bryce goes to sleep and am still not caught up. The worst part is, I already know that I will be doing this nightly all week, and will likely need to work on Friday and through the weekend to get caught up from this week. Hopefully come Sunday, I will have learned my lesson. But in the meantime, if you've come up with creative or tactful ways of telling the powers-that-be "no", please share.

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