Thursday, June 18, 2009


I've not blogged in some time now. I've determined I have no reason to blog when things are well...this site seems to have become my personal punching bag. Which, alas, is good, so that I can take my frustrations out here and not on my poor, unsuspecting family. But, since it appears I have a few followers, figured I should probably give an update on life as I know it. :)

I am now 31 weeks pregnant, which for you lay folk is almost 8 months. A full-term pregnancy is 40 weeks, which technically is 10 months when all said and done. My closest girlfriends are throwing me my one and only (at my request) shower next weekend and I'm hoping my registry is near empty by that time. Otherwise, I'll be spending a day in Babies R Us getting the stuff I really need. You know, it's funny...the first time around, I registered for all sorts of things, most of which I didn't end up using...the second time around, I know exactly what I need, what worked, etc, so I didn't bother with a lot of things those stupid baby websites tell you you're going to need.

The rooms got shifted about a month ago. Bryce's room is done, he has his bunk beds now complete with two twin mattresses and Lightning McQueen/Mater bedding. He has a new dresser that's red and Brett put Cars stickers all over it. It's very cool and Bryce adores his new room. He transitioned well, which was a huge relief.

Shayann is hardly ever here anymore, so her room is still unpacked, but the bed's made and the boxes stacked neatly, so I don't care. I know eventually she'll want to have her room back and she'll make it her own.

Brett has been in the process of painting the blue wall in Abbie's room pink for a few weeks now. You see, when we moved in, I painted a blue accent wall (it was Bryce's room to start), and I got a WEE bit of paint on the trim. So, now Brett isn't sure whether or not he can live with that tiny speck of blue paint on the trim of the pink wall, so he's debating on tearing out the trim and putting up new trim. So, until he makes up his mind, the wall is pink except for about 2 inches toward the bottom that are still Thomas the Tank Engine blue. Also because of this, all of her furniture is in the middle of the room and not put nicely where it goes. Her crib is decked with her new bedding though. Once I get Brett to finish the work in that room, I will take a pic of the finished product and share with you!

Speaking of paint, Brett still has not finished the trimwork in the remainder of the house. So, I still have an extension ladder sitting by my front door, paint cans and paraphernalia in my living room and a non-painted, non-mirrored downstairs bathroom. Still no backsplash in either the bathroom or the kitchen, either.

Can I tell you how absolutely frustrating it is, that, if he's lucky, the man's got 9 weeks until we will literally have NO time to finish these projects? I will absolutely kill him if these are not done before Abbie arrives. There is just no excuse. It's absolutely ridiculous.

If anyone has any advice or pointers about how else I can persuade my procrastinator husband to get this crap done, now would be the time to share!!!

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