Monday, March 15, 2010

If it's not one thing...

...I am now a "mother" of three. "Mother" is in quotes because technically I am a mother to two and an auntie to one. My 3 month old nephew is currently staying with us and with his other auntie and uncle until his mom and dad are able to go through rehab and prove to the State of Washington that they can be responsible parents.

I would do anything in the world for this little guy, I truly would. He is a remarkably good baby, very adaptable and seems to be thriving despite the recent uproot. His mom and dad call and/or visit daily to check on him. I have seem some good things at our visits, and I'm hoping that they can beat their demons so that little Hayden can go back to them.

My kids are learning (Bryce especially) that I am one person who two arms and I just cannot do everything at once all the time. Bryce has been very patient with me, almost to a fault, because he will sit back and look for an opening to seek attention that rarely comes with two under the age of one. So, rather than seek negative attention (which he did nearly constantly at first), he tells me loudly, "mommy, it's MY turn!" and that is sufficient to remind me that I have another child that needs his mommy. Both babies have learned that I will leave them to fuss on the floor (as long as they're clean and fed), to tend to Bryce's needs, which I think makes Bryce happy. Not that he has some weird vendetta, but that mommy is putting him first for a while.

I can tell you that after the first week, when my sweet nephew left to go to his other auntie and uncle's house for a few days, I felt like I could do ANYTHING. Handling my kids alone seemed so dang easy I was pretty sure I could do it with one hand tied behind my back and my eyes closed. For safety's sake, though, I didn't do that. :)

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