Friday, May 9, 2008

Fighting Procrastination

Hi Grinders, and Happy Friday! It's about 3:15, I only have a bit over an hour of work left, and I DON'T WANT TO DO ANYTHING RIGHT NOW. I have a few things that I have left to do for today, all of which could be pushed to Monday without penalty, but I know come Monday I'll be kicking myself for not completing these very minor tasks. When it's all said and done, it should only take me 1/2 hour tops, but instead, here I am again!

So, I'm allowing myself 10 minutes here, and then I've promised myself I will finish my work chores and leave early for the day. What to talk about men!

Why is it that when you share anything with your husband, when it's good it's his, but when it's bad, it's yours? Case in point, yesterday, my hubby was looking at our checking account and credit card balance. He then delcares that our balance is too high, and he's going to literally freeze my credit card in the freezer so I can't use it. Now, I admit I've had plenty of issues with spending more than my share in the past, but other than buying plane tickets to go see my mom in Wisconsin, I haven't spent a dime on the Visa.

So, today, while I was procrastinating, I logged into the account, and sure enough, all of the charges for the last month save one was due to my darling husband's indulgences. At least $1200 in new charges. So, when confronted with this, he turns it back around on me and blames me for forgetting to pay off the tickets with my profit sharing check (which was indeed the plan, and I did forget to put it in the, I'm human). So, now, we're down to bare bones in our checking account and can't afford to make our minimum payment on time and it's ALL my fault. Indeed.

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