Monday, May 12, 2008

Manic Monday

So, my baby woke up several times last night, barking like a seal and wheezing. So, of course, it fell on me to take him to his pediatrician this morning. Croup. I thought only little babies got that, but apparently toddlers can get it too. So, then I had to go to the pharmacy to get meds, then trek out to BFE to take him to daycare (that's my own doing...sometimes it's worth a drive to have your child with a good care provider during the day when you can't be there), and only THEN was I able to sit down at my computer and begin work. Mind you, I'd been on the clock since 8AM (ah, salary...), but didn't do anything work related other than change my voicemail until about noon. I managed to push hard and get everything done before 4:30 (including the stuff I was supposed to finish Friday and didn't because I didn't want to).

Sometimes it sucks to be the one with the flexible job.

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